Sunday, May 18, 2008

DOZER - "Beyond Colossal" - Day 06 (Never trust a smiling gädda)

You wanted video - I bring you video (and why it's rotated 90° counter clockwise I have no idea what so ever. Deal with it).
It's a shorty, but a goodie. I'm afraid Johan is the quiet shy type, so you'll just have to enjoy his rockin' backside (and what a nice backside it is).
In the clip you'll hear a short snippet of one of the new t00nz. One of my personal favorites, actually. Good stuff indeed!

We finished the last of the bass today and quit for the day quite early. Not really much more to say I'm afraid.. oh yeah, we had thai food for lunch.
And.. hmm.. sorry. I'm drawing a blank here.

Tomorrow we start laying down the mad bad guitarz, yo. The goal is to have an ultra-saturated, fat, heavy sound that makes you feel like you've just had a ten course meal once you hear it. We'll see if we manage to pull it off.

And oh yeah, on a serious/desperate note (this is mostly directed towards the swedish folks reading this), we're in need of a Neumann U87 post haste, so if you own one or know someone who is willing to rent it out, do not hesitate to contact me asap.



iLEZ said...

Jeez vad bra det låter! Gör en Trent nu och lägg ut allt gratis på teh intarwebs.

Karl Daniel Lidén said...

Man tackar, man tackar! Jag tror ze dudes blir lite småpissed om jag innternettsar det hela, dock.